Medicines Reminder Mobile App

App that reminds on time to take medicine and also reminds medicine volumes for better health of people

Project overview

The product:

Many peoples suffer from health issues and they need to take some medicines on regular basis, but sometimes they forgot to take them on time. Medicine Reminder app will help them to take medicines regularly and on time. The targeted audience is youngsters and old-aged people.

The goal:
Design an app that reminds on time to take medicine and also reminds medicine volumes for better health of people
The problem:

More than 25% of youngsters and 55% of old-aged people need to take medicine regularly due to various reasons i.e. health issues, mental health problems and depression. Most of them face issues to take regularly cause of many reasons.

My role and Responsibilities:

UX designer, leading the app from conception to delivery and my responsibilities are conduct interviews, paper and digital wireframes, low and high fidelity prototypes, usability studies, iterating on designs and determine information architect.

Understanding the user


I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was who are taking regularly some medicines or health nutrition. Some users depend on their family members for remind to take medicines regularly. Some users also feel that they need an easy to use mobile app.

Pain Points

Forget to take regularly
People forget to take medicines or health nutrition regularly or on time.

can’t remember the volume
People can’t remember the volume of their medicines or health nutrition.

Depend on others
Most people depend on their family members to take medicines or healthy nutrition regularly.


Problem statement:
Thomas is a 52 years old single person who needs to take his all medicine regularly because sometimes he forgets to take medicines.

Starting the design

Paper wireframes

I did a quick ideation exercise to come up with ideas for how to address gaps identified in the competitive audit. My focus was specifically on easy to use functionality.

Digital wireframes

After ideating and drafting some paper wireframes, I created the initial designs for the Medicine Reminder app. These designs focused on easy to add medicines and reminders.

Usability study: findings

I have conducted usability studies, the study helped me to guide the design from wireframe to mockup. Used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

  • Easy to use: Users want an app that is very easy to use and they can add reminders very easily.
  • Add background: Some user wants to add video in the background on the reminder screen.
  • Reminder for volume: Users want to get additional reminders for the volume of medicines.
High-fidelity prototype

The high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype, including design changes made after the usability study.

Final UI design


Impact: The app helps users to add reminders for their medicines or health nutrition foods and track records of their medicine volumes.

What I learned: I learned that feedbacks are very important to improving design or product. Usability study plays a big role to make products user-friendly. I also learned that improvement is a step-by-step process, and you need to follow the steps correctly.

Thank you for your time reviewing my work :)


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Medicines Reminder Mobile App

Project overview

The product:

Many peoples suffer from health issues and they need to take some medicines on regular basis, but sometimes they forgot to take them on time. Medicine Reminder app will help them to take medicines regularly and on time. The targeted audience is youngsters and old-aged people.

Project duration:

October 2021 to December 2021

The problem:

More than 25% of youngsters and 55% of old-aged people need to take medicine regularly due to various reasons i.e. health issues, mental health problems and depression. Most of them face issues to take regularly cause of many reasons.

The goal:

Design an app that reminds on time to take medicine and also reminds medicine volumes for better health of people

My role and Responsibilities:

UX designer, leading the app from conception to delivery and my responsibilities are conduct interviews, paper and digital wireframes, low and high fidelity prototypes, usability studies, iterating on designs and determine information architect

Understanding the user

User research:


I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was who are taking regularly some medicines or health nutrition. Some users depend on their family members for remind to take medicines regularly. Some users also feel that they need an easy to use mobile app.

Pain Points

Forget to take regularly

People forget to take medicines or health nutrition regularly or on time.

can’t remember volume

People can’t remember the volume of their medicines or health nutrition.

Depend on others

Most of the people depend on their family members to take medicines or health nutrition regularly.


Problem statement:
Thomas is a 52 years old single person who needs to take his all medicine regularly because sometimes he forgets to take medicines.

Starting the design

Paper wireframes

I did a quick ideation exercise to come up with ideas for how to address gaps identified in the competitive audit. My focus was specifically on easy to use functionality.

Digital wireframes

After ideating and drafting some paper wireframes, I created the initial designs for the Medicine Reminder app. These designs focused on easy to add medicines and reminders.

Usability study: findings

I have conducted usability studies, the study helped me to guide the design from wireframe to mockup. Used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Easy to use

Users want an app that very easy to use and they can add reminders very easily.

Add background

Some user wants to add video in background in reminder screen.

Reminder for volume

Users wants to get additional reminders for volume of medicines.

High-fidelity prototype

The high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype, including design changes made after the usability study.

View Hight-fidelity Prototype


Impact: The app helps users to add reminders for their medicines or health nutrition foods and track records of their medicine volumes.

What I learned: I learned that, the feedbacks are very important to improve design or product. Usability study plays a big roll to make product user friendly. I also learned that the improvement is a step by step process, and you need to follow the steps correctly.

Thank you for your time reviewing my work :)