keypixel find landscape ui

Find Landscape Mobile App UI

Find landscape mobile app UI. Created in Figma.

Project overview

The product:
Find Landscape App is for the people who are willing to find a perfect landscape for their home decor very easily and for local photographers who are willing to sell their landscapes.
The goal:
We want to create an App where people can find landscapes from their native places or their own cities, and where local photographers can sell their landscapes.
The problem:
People can’t find easily the landscapes from their native places or their own cities, and where local photographers can sell their landscapes.
My role and Responsibilities:
My role is UI/UX Designer and my responsibilities are create wireframes, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility and iterating on designs.

Understanding the user

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was who are willing to find a perfect landscape for their home decor. Also the user group of photographers who are willing to sell their photographs online and make some extra money easily.
Pain Points

Difficulty to find
People are facing difficulty to find a perfect landscape for their home décor

People can’t complete the purchase process easily


Problem statement:
Nilima don’t know where to find a perfect landscapes for my sitting room

Starting the design

Digital wireframes
Usability study: findings

I have conducted two rounds of usability studies. Finding from the first round, the study helped me to guide the design from wireframe to mockup. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

High-fidelity prototype

The final high-fidelity prototype presented clear user flow for find a perfect landscape and purchase it easily.

Final UI design


Impact: The app helps users to find the perfect landscape for home décor very easily and users can customize frames and purchase them in a few steps.

What I learned: I learned that feedbacks are very important to improving design or product. Usability study plays a big role to make products user-friendly. I also learned that improvement is a step-by-step process, and you need to follow the steps correctly.

Thank you for your time reviewing my work :)


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